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Empowering Women in the Hospitality Industry: You are not alone

During my career journey, I have often felt alone, like no oneelse was experiencing the same challenges as me. Sadly, this is a common thread that I’ve heard from women throughout my network. That’s why I’ve dedicated the
last 18 months to championing gender balance in the hospitality industry. Through one-on-one meetings, online chats, podcasts, roundtables, and events,
I’ve heard countless stories from women across the globe.

Here are some of the common challenges that many of us face:

  • Balancing career and family life 
  • Working twice as hard to get ahead 
  • Believing that hard work alone will lead to recognition 
  • Being asked about childcare during interviews 
  • Receiving comments about appearance and clothing 
  • Fear of public speaking 
  • Difficulty being heard in meetings 
  • Having credit for ideas taken away 
  • Only applying for jobs when meeting all requirements 
  • Advocating for oneself and asking for opportunities 
  • Lack of access to networking events 
  • How to embrace feminine leadership traits 
  • Feeling uncomfortable at networking events with alcohol 
  • Being considered junior because of gender 
  • Being the only woman in the room 
  • Safety in the workplace 
  • Career gaps and difficulty re-entering the workforce 
  • Constant guilt 
  • Lack of flexibility 
  • Women viewing each other as competition 
  • Imposter syndrome, even with loads of experience 
  • Self-criticism 
  • Mental health, burnout, anxiety, depression 
  • Being labeled bossy, difficult, or aggressive when being assertive 
  • Constantly apologizing

This list could go on forever, but the point is that thesechallenges are widespread and affect women all over the world. The good news is that we can tackle each issue and offer solutions on how to overcome them. In our community, we provide a safe space to have these conversations and offer support to one another. No one has to feel alone in these struggles.

Being part of a community lends a powerful voice. Together, we canempower women in the hospitality industry and make positive change happen.