Heidi Gempel

· Podcast

On this episode we hear from Heidi. When she realised she could work and travel with a hospitality career, there was no turning back for her. She started with an apprenticeship program in Germany, that gave her hands on experience of the industry and one of her first roles took her to England to help improve her english. A short stint in Dubai that was a life learning moment for her, before moving to the Far East where she started her revenue management career, when this side of the industry was still in its infancy. She was able to be part of the foundational team of revenue management during her career. She then started her own revenue management consultancy in Singapore. Her husband joining her business and they expanded their offering into design thinking and innovation work. During covid she expanded her offering to coaching with executives and especially with female leaders. One aspect I admired in part of her coaching work, she is helping women leaders not lose their femininity.


Click here to listen to her podcast episode.